Our Products.......the RODON system

RODON Simulation and Diagnosis Software

RODON is a new generation software system for the functional analysis of complex systems. A virtual engineering model applies to the entire life cycle covering many critical analysis tasks and all technical disciplines.

RODON improves the design and development process thanks to its comprehensive and wide-ranging flexibility and integrability into existing environments. In addition to saving time and money, rodon helps improve product and process quality.

Computer-Aided Functional Analysis
The relationships between the inputs and outputs of components can be described (e.g. by Transfer Functions) even when only "fuzzy" knowledge is available. Since component behavior is definable via equations, graphs, curves, tables and related methods, highly complicated components can be readily integrated. From this description of functional behavior together with component interconnection data, RODON automatically generates the Virtual Engineering Model as the basis for extensive simulation and diagnosis.

Modular Architecture
RODON consists of several Editors and Modules. Its modern architecture enables virtually unlimited problem size and complexity and an on-going Development Program for adding even more features and capabilities.
The Model Editor defines the nominal functional behavior of individual components. The System Editor with its graphical positioning feature defines the interconnectivity of components, assemblies and subsystems, thereby enabling the analysis of systems having virtually unlimited breadth and depth. The Generation Module automatically generates the Engineering Model. The Simulation Module performs the multidirectional computation of system behavior for both steady-state and dynamic systems. The Monitoring Module continuously checks sensor readings against preestablished normal behavior as defined by the model. The Diagnosis Module is activated upon detection of abnormal behavior to isolate system faults. The Control Module provides interfaces with external sources. The Visualization Module presents pictorial and animated results.

Typical Roles of RODON
In Design, RODON is effective in sizing and optimization activities. It supports Quality Assurance in many ways such as risk analysis and system level Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). RODON suppports the integration and test of complex systems via functional checkout and diagnosis of the entire system or subsets thereof. It is a highly effective tool in maintenance, troubleshooting and repair especially when used in the early design phase by diagnostic research personnel to help frame strategies and tactics for the ultimate Service Bay. RODON can handle unlimited combinations of component types such as electric, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical and logical, and systematically verifies the validity of their respective connectivity.

Operational Modes
RODON can be operated as a self-contained, stand-alone system, but it also provides a variety of powerful interface tools to allow for integration into a variety of operational environments. For example, the Component Modeling Language and the System Modeling Language provide pipelines into RODON to automatically convert design data, say in the form of Netlists, into a Virtual Engineering Model. Similarly, RODON can be linked to data acquisition equipment in the continuum of factory operations or in the ebb-and-flow environment of an automated Service Bay. Its sophisticated data management and documentation features support Configuration Management Systems and its ease of use and graphical orientation serve as effective tutorial tools.

rodon Technologies
A partial listing of RODON's underlying technologies is given here: Interval Set Arithmetic; Constraint Satisfaction; Symbolic Formula Manipulation; Rationalization of over- and under-specified systems; Object-Oriented Data Management and Programming: Time-dependent computations; Failure Modes; Simultaneously assessing multiple operating modes for poorly instrumented systems; qualitative and quantitative measurements and reasoning; UNIX-based with adaptability to PC-based Service Bay environments. Multiple Inheritance for families of components; Extensive Component Library Functions; Highly advanced Diagnostic Engine for isolating multiple faults.

Application Examples
RODON has found many industrial applications where product reliability, maintainability and competitive cost are important. Automotive and aerospace companies have led the way in using RODON to diagnose and improve designs before they are committed to manufacture. They have integrated rodon with other popular tools to make use of existing processes and data bases. They also have found that RODON has no parallels in real-time monitoring and diagnosis of fielded products such that repairs can be made quickly and by replacing only those parts that have truly failed. Many "assembly line" industries have found that RODON can save a great deal of cost by quickly diagnosing, and even predicting, failures. Links to inventory systems help further automate the process.
